Simulation software
A list of the main simulation softwares developed and used at Jena.
- GR-Athena++ NR code. Our developments in
are periodically merged into the public repo.
- bajes Jenaer software for Bayesian inference. Public repo.
- BAM NR code. TPI gitlab group:
BAM Developers
. Ask Bernd and SB for access.
- JenpyROQ Modular and parallel Python code for reduced order quadratures. Public repo.
- Lorene a set of C++ classes implementing multi-domain spectral methods for NR. Open source.
- mkn Multicomponent and axisymmetric kilonova lightcurves. Ask Albino Perego for access.
- NuLib open-source neutrino interaction library.
- RNSC NR code for NS intial data. Library version of Stergioulas'
- SGRID NR code for BNS initial data. Ask Wolgfang Tichy for access.
- SkyNet a general-purpose open-source nuclear reaction network for nuclear astrophysics applications.
- SNEC and kNEC open source.
- TEOBResumS EOB code. Bitbucket project
. Public repo.
- Teukode and other BH perturbation codes. Bitbucket group
. Ask SB for writing access.
- THC NR code, Cactus-based. Ask David Radice and SB for access to private version.
- TwoPuncturesC NR code for BBH intial data. Library stand-alone version of Cactus's
Analysis software:
- scidata a python library for importing scientific data. Currently it supports mainly Cactus/Carpet data formats. Public repo.
- scivis a scientific visualization package in python. Public repo.
- pyg animate 1D data, lightweight substitute of ygraph. Public repo.
- TOV Matlab TOV solver with multipolar Love numbers calculation. Public repo.
- WAT Waveforms' analysis tool in Matlab. Public repo.
- watpy python waveform analysis tool. Public repo.
Utility software:
- BNSLoreneID repo for generating BNS initial data with
. Ask SB for access.
- MagstarLoreneID repo for generating magnetised NS initial data with
. Ask SB for access.
- eccred_sgrid_bam repo for eccentricity reduction runs using
. Ask SB for access.
- runs-thc-aa repo for THC AA runs. Ask David Radice and SB for access.
- runs-thc-ba repo for THC BA runs. Ask David Radice and SB for access.
Older software:
- PeBaCCo a (1+1)D time-domain code to study linear perturbations of TOV stars. Public repo.
- EOS tables:
BNS initial data: tullio:/data/numrel/Lorene/
BNS initial data: tullio:/data/numrel/SGRID/
- CoRe data storage at TPI:
Web resources: