Gravitational waves
FSU Jena, SS 2022
Lecture period: 11.04.2022 - 15.07.2022
Last updated: 29.02.2022
Moodle link
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- Weak field limit of GR
- Weak-field equations
- Solution for static sources
- Solution for stationary sources
- Waves on flat background
- Propagation of GWs on flat background
- Interaction with test-masses
- Sources of GW: quadrupole formula
- GW energy
- Energy og GW in lienarized GR
- Short-wave approximation
- Isaacson tensor
- Multipolar expansion
- Beyond the quadrupole formula
- Multipolar expansion for scalar fields
- STF expansion
- Tensor spherical harmonics
- The post-Newtonian approximation
- PN expansion of Einstein equations
- Conservative dynamics
- PN approach to radiation reaction
- Linearization around black holes
- Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli equation
- RWZ potential and black hole quasi-normal modes (ringdown)
- Radial infall of David-Ruffini-Tiomno
- Effective-one-body description of the general-relativistic 2-body problem
- Relative motion and Schwarzschild Hamiltonian
- Mapping the conservative dynamics
- Resummation aspects and waveform generation
- Strong, self-gravity and high-velocities source
- The binary-black hole merger waveform
- Kicks (Fouchet formula, and numerical relativity predictions)
- Gravitational collapse and signals from CCSN
- Detection and data-analysis
- Noise spectral density
- Antenna pattern
- Match-filtering & Bayesian methods
- M.Maggiore, “Gravitational Waves, Vol.1: Theory and Experiments”, Oxford University Press, 2008.
- M.Maggiore, “Gravitational Waves, Vol.2: Astrophysics and Cosmology”, Oxford University Press, 2018.
- S.Chandrasekhar, “The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes”, Oxford University Press, 1983.
- R.Wald “General Relativity” University of Chicago Press (1984)
- Y.Choquet-Bruhat, “General Relativity and the Einstein Equations”, Oxford Mathematical Monographs, 2009.
- Y.Choquet-Bruhat, “Introduction to General Relativity, Black Holes, and Cosmology”, Oxford Mathematical Monographs, 2015.
Lecture notes
Suggested articles
Papers about pulsars and LIGO-Virgo observations
- Hulse-Taylor PSR B1913+16 measurement
- LIGO-Virgo measurements
Resources on the web
Course material
Lecture notes:
Tutor: M.Breschi
Please see the tutorials’ Moodle page
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